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What Are the Dimensions of a Cereal Box?

 2024-07-18 13:30:50

what are the dimensions of a cereal box

One thing you should never ignore when getting your cereal box packaging customized is the right dimensions. Your products can not stand out or remain safe inside the boxes if the box is not designed in the right size precisely.  Therefore, it is important to know about the dimensions of a cereal box. You should also consider a few factors when choosing a suitable size for your cereal boxes.

 In this blog, we will discuss dimensions and those factors that can help you perfectly customize your cereal box packaging in the right size. Read on!

Let’s Dive in,

Measurements of Cereal Box Packaging

Before digging into practical applications of how to make cereal box packaging, you should answer some of the following questions for an accurate size:

How Tall is a Box of Cereal?

Understand this question when deciding on the right dimensions of a cereal box. The answer to how tall a box of cereal should be is 12 inches but some brands use 10 inches. During the promotional offers, some brands keep the size of cereal boxes taller to pack surprise gifts inside the boxes. 

What is the Width of a Cereal Box?

The average width of a cereal box should be 8 inches. When it comes to the average dimensions of a cereal box, you should consider all the dimensions that align with each other. For example, if the average height of a cereal box is 12 inches then the right width will be 8 inches. 

What is the Volume of a Cereal Box?

The volume of a cereal box depends on the length, width, and height of the box. Here, the average length will be the same as the depth of the cereal box which is 2”. Therefore, the volume of a cereal box will be 192 cubic inches. 

How Thick is a Box of Cereal?

The average thickness of a cereal box is 0.022 inches. It depends on the material you use for making cereal boxes. Kraft and cardboard cereal boxes have an average thickness of 0.022”. 

How Much Does an Average Box of Cereal Weigh?

The average weight of a cereal box is 17.5 Ounces which is equivalent to 500 grams. Remember that the overall weight of an average cereal box is 17.5 ounces in which the empty box has a weight of around 1.7 ounces and the 15.8 ounces is the weight of cereal packed in the box.

Measure the Dimensions Precisely

Decide the quantities of cereal you want to put inside the boxes. People often question the average size of a cereal box. The answer is that it mostly depends on the customers’ preferences in terms of usage and taste. However, you should consider making different sizes of boxes according to the different quantities you offer in each package. 

The following are things you should consider when taking measurements for an average cereal box.

  • Height
  • Volume
  • Weight
  • Width 
  • Length/Depth

measure the dimensions precisely

You should also know about state-wise metric measurements for labeling your cereal packaging. For example, Gram and Kilogram metric units are used instead of Ounce in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. 

Now, let’s discuss a few factors that help you choose the right size for your cereal box packaging. 

Understand Your Target Market

Understand your target audience to know about their preferences for the cereal box size. Divide your target audience into two main groups; single or small households and large families. For example, smaller households or single people might prefer buying small-size cereal boxes. On the other hand, large families would prefer buying family-size cereal boxes that come in larger sizes. 

Your customers also consider buying cereal boxes that can easily be stored in their houses. Some people prefer to buy cereal packaging that can offer compact storage such as cereal mylar bags. The boxes for cereals should also be easy to handle. Therefore, you should consider an easy closing mechanism when choosing the right size for cereal boxes while customization.

Consider the Shelve Display

After understanding the preferences of your target audience, you should take the next step of deciding the suitable store shelf storage or display space. Meanwhile, you should conduct a competitive analysis about the cereal box size that is fit for retail store shelves. Your cereal box packaging should look distinctive but not odd in terms of size which grabs customers' attention and leaves a bad impression.

Consider the following factors when considering the retail display for your cereal box packaging:

Follow FDA’s PDP Guidelines

The principal display panel applies to the packed food used for labeling to be displayed on the retail shelves. According to the FDA 40% of the box area is considered a principal display panel where the following information must be mentioned:

  • Brand Name
  • Net Quantity
  • Ingredient List
  • Name of Food
  • Country of Origin
  • Nutritional Claims
  • Allergen Information
  • Manufacturing Address

Maximize Visibility

Another important consideration when choosing the size of cereal boxes is to ensure product and brand visibility. It also depends on how tall a box of cereal should be. Keep the size according to the shelving spaces and add designs on the boxes that help make your cereal boxes look different on the shelves. When cutting the boxes for a precise size, you should also consider making die-cut custom breakfast cereal boxes for maximum product visibility. 

Choose the Suitable Material

Material plays a crucial role in making the right size of cereal box packaging. Choose the material that has the least environmental impact and offers immense strength to the package. Kraft paper, cardboard, and corrugated cardboard are some good material options for packing cereals. Consider the following factors when choosing materials to make the right size of cereal box packaging:

  • Sturdiness

The sturdiness of a box ensures the durability of your packed food. Kraft paper and cardboard are sturdy materials that offer maximum protection from external factors. However, cereals must be packed in PVC paper for better protection. A thin layer of polyethylene terephthalate is also placed inside the boxes for packing cereals for added strength. 

  • Thickness

The thicker the material, the higher the strength it provides to the food packaging boxes. You should choose cardboard and kraft paper materials that are flexible. The flexible nature of these materials allows you to mold them in different shapes and sizes according to your preferences. An average cereal box has a thickness of around 0.022”. 

Test the Functionality 

Once the packaging is manufactured according to the product measurements, you should test it before final approval for displaying it on retail shelves. This approach will help you know about the improvements for your cereal packaging as well as prevent any mishap that can ruin your brand image in the market. 


You should always make a plan before customizing a cereal box in different sizes. From determining your target audience to practically applying height, width, length, volume, and thickness on the cereal boxes, you can make well-designed cereal boxes. Your cereals stay intact inside the boxes and remain safe during shipping, stacking, and handling if you have designed the boxes in the right sizes according to the product. 

After reading this blog, you can easily get your cereal boxes designed in accurate sizes and shapes that enhance the presentation and protection of your cereals. If you have any questions about cereal box packaging, contact us immediately. We will respond to you shortly!